Avaya IP400 Digital Station 30 V2



Avaya IP400 Digital Station 30 V2

The IP400 Digital Station 30 V2 provides 30 additional digital station ports for your Avaya IP Offce system.


  • Provides an additional 30 digital station (DS) ports for digital telephones
  • Changes from V1 to V2: The DS ports have been rotated 180° to allow easier connection access. The port status LED’s have been moved and grouped adjacent to the ports. The DTE serial port on the rear of the module has been changed to a 9-pin D-type socket. The DS V2 uses an earthed 3-pin 60W external power supply unit.


  • IP403, IP406 V1, IP406 V2, and IP412 IP500 running R4.2 or earlier; Professional Edition is required
  • IP500 running R5.0 or higher
  • IP500 V2 running R6.0 or higher
  • Digital station ports for use with 1400, 2400, 4400, 5400, and 6400 series digital telephones. Also compatible with 3810 wireless telephone.

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