Toshiba Dk424i / CTX672 Base Cabinet with Power




Toshiba Dk424i / CTX672 Base Cabinet with Power

  • (Stock# CHSUB672A)
  • 1 per system required.
  • 10 Slots – 2 are reserved for the processors and 8 universal slots for expansion cards.
  • Maximum 6 per CIX/CTX 670 System, If 1 Exoabsion cabinets is needed for the CIX/CTX670, the base cabinet is required to have the BCTU2A. IF 2 or more expansions cabinets is required tohave the BCTU2A & BEXU2A Processors. IF remote maintanance is needed on a CTX670 with a BCTU2A Porcessor,an AMDS1A Suvassembly is required. Maximum 1 per DK424i B2cau/B2CBU system, 1 or 2 per B3CAU/ B3CBU System. 

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