Nortel Norstar CTA 200 Computer Telephony Adapter
- (Model# NT8B84FA)
Norstar Computer Telephony Adapter (CTA) devices bridge the gap between phone systems and computers and are based on the Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) standard developed by Microsoft, to work with a wide variety of CTI applications. Norstar offers several CTA options for basic, advanced or integrated desktop CTI. The Norstar Computer Telephony Adapter can be used in a configuration where the CTA device is connected directly to a desktop PC and Norstar set. A single CTA device can be connected to the Norstar, enabling CTI and TAPI applications on any PC on the LAN. Automatically detects to which COM port the CTA device is connected, eliminating the need to set the correct COM port during installation. The image displayed is for illustrative purposes only and may not be the product listed.